Confession of a Pee on the Stick Addict

Little line, oh little line, are you pink or are you grey? Baby or evaporation? Why do you torment me this way? I’ll take one more, just one more. Surely this one will tell. I raid my pile (I’ve got hundreds) and begin the waiting hell. The line is gone. That can’t be right. Why…

Tasty Toddler Bites

I always cook way too much food. Its a side effect of coming from a large family. Every week we have left overs in the fridge that need using up so we have had to come up with a few quick and easy recipes to avoid waste. We have always done baby led weaning with…

A New Arrival

Its been a long time coming. After a relatively easy pregnancy – or as easy as pregnancy can be whilst also parenting a toddler – we welcomed our new baby to the family last week. After several false starts I went into labour at 39 weeks and delivered this beautiful bundle of loveliness just seven…

10 Ways to Help your Toddlers Eat Healthily

Being a parent of a toddler is, how can I put this? A challenge. You’re busy having fun, laughing and playing when all of a sudden, something goes wrong. Before you know it, you have a screaming, crying toddler on your hands and you hardly know why. You offered them a raisin. You gave them…

Buddy has something to share…..

You may have noticed that this blog has been a little quiet for a while. Well, there has been a very good reason for that. Buddy will be gaining a little brother or sister in July! Of course we are amazingly excited and slightly terrified at the prospect of a newborn and a toddler, but…