Confession of a Pee on the Stick Addict

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Little line, oh little line, are you pink or are you grey?
Baby or evaporation? Why do you torment me this way?
I’ll take one more, just one more. Surely this one will tell.
I raid my pile (I’ve got hundreds) and begin the waiting hell.

The line is gone. That can’t be right. Why is this so hard?
I’ll drink some more and try again. I’ll check the instruction card.
Nope no line. Did i drink too much? I’ll have to wait till morning.
But in the drawer those unused tests are haunting me and calling.

I’ll limit myself to three. Not a single one more.
Yet somehow, when I count again, I managed to use four.
How have I used so many tests? I bought three packs of twenty.
Back to Amazon I go, this time I’ll order plenty.

But maybe I won’t need them. Maybe this test is the one.
A line! A line! Huzzah Hooray! Truly now I’m done!

But little line, oh little line… Are you pink or are you grey?


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