10 No Mess Sensory Activities

Sensory play gives children an amazing opportunity to explore the world around them. Sensory play is usually associated with messy play. However, not all children (or parents) like this form of play. If you can’t stand the mess or if your little one doesn’t like to get their hands dirty then here are 10 no…

15 Indoor Sensory Bins for Toddlers

Recently we’ve been focussing on indoor activities in an attempt to chase those winter blues away! Buddy, like most toddlers, is super energetic and hates being locked indoors just as much as I do, so we’ve been working hard to make sure he has lots of indoor activities to entertain him. This week we’ve been…

Rainbow Oats

If you’ve been following the blog recently you will have probably noticed that we have been practising lots of scooping activities to help Buddy to develop spoon control. This week, we decided to roll out another. I love these Rainbow Oats. They are really easy to make and they look fantastic. They are also super…