I broke my Promise to a Friend to give her this Advice.

To my Oldest Friend. On that amazing day when you told me you were pregnant I promised you that I wouldn’t give you any parenting advice. I’m about to break that promise. We’ve always done everything together, you and I, so it makes sense that we would embark on a parenting journey together too. With…

10 Ways to Help your Toddlers Eat Healthily

Being a parent of a toddler is, how can I put this? A challenge. You’re busy having fun, laughing and playing when all of a sudden, something goes wrong. Before you know it, you have a screaming, crying toddler on your hands and you hardly know why. You offered them a raisin. You gave them…

Buddy has something to share…..

You may have noticed that this blog has been a little quiet for a while. Well, there has been a very good reason for that. Buddy will be gaining a little brother or sister in July! Of course we are amazingly excited and slightly terrified at the prospect of a newborn and a toddler, but…

20 Amazing Rainbow Activities

Its finally here, the next instalment of our Rainbow collection! I have been slightly obsessed by Rainbows lately and have been gathering together the best Rainbow Activities and Crafts from across the blogosphere. If you missed the previous instalments, you can check them out here. Rainbow Sensory Activities Rainbow Arts and Crafts This week, I…

15 Rainbow Arts and Crafts

As promised, it is time for another dose of Rainbows! If you missed last weeks post, I am currently suffering from an obsession with Rainbows. To utilise this obsession productively I have been creating a series of Fun Rainbow Plays to share with you all. You can check out last week’s Rainbow Sensory Activities here…